Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Just thought I'd make this a short post and let everyone get on with their festivities this holiday season. As I sit here and reflect on what I'm thankful for this year, I realize I have alot to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for my loved one, my family, and my friends. I'm thankful for my health, and for a job during this difficult year. I'm also thankful for the most wonderful person in my life (love you babe)...and also thankful for each and every one of you reading this post.

As you sit and reflect on those things that you're thankful for, look around you, at the people in your lives, and enjoy this holiday season. Most importantly, remember to let them know how important they are to you. And one final note....remember to LAUGH, LAUGH OUT LOUD, and don't be ashamed to do it. :)

Until next time, I wish all of you a RIPArts kind of day!