What a busy weekend....I taught another COPIC class over the weekend at The Crafty Scrapper. What a fun bunch of ladies. They took to coloring skin and hair quite easily, so I was very happy.
While I was out, I did some shopping....bought some October Afternoon, some Graphic 45, picked up a Sew Easy storage unit, some Bo Bunny, some Basic Grey, and got some stuff at Fry's Electronics too....can we say XOOM!! ;) Yup, you guessed it, we are now tablet-enabled in our household. YAY!!
What does that mean, well, it means that we'll be taking pictures of our upcoming vacation, while literally on the road, and uploading, to keep everyone in the loop on our little Disney vacation.
In the meantime, we'll be busy learning the Android OS, and figuring out what is and isn't available in the Google Store, in terms of Apps....yes, I'm looking for scrapbooking apps, as well as Disney apps. So if you know of any, shoot me an email. :)
Until next time, I hope you have a RIPArts kind of day!!
So Happy Together
6 years ago