Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh Boy!!

Yup, that's guessed it....we're gettin' ready for another Disney June (can we say H U M I D I T Y!! Don't know what we were

Actually, we're going to go with friends....there will be 13 of us total (though that number seems to change almost weekly now) 5 of us go to Disney on a regular basis...of the remaining 8 members, 1 has been once before (when a over 20 years ago)...and the others have never been!!! OMG are they in for a treat!! The last time we went was in 2008 (see layout below).

So, with Disney on the brain....I worked up this layout recently, using the March Treasure Box Club Kit (check out the link on my links list).

Oh, and before you think we're slacking on our advised that we're going to Disney again in December of this year, and we're currently planning on Halloween of 2011 (next year)!! So, you guessed it again...MORE Disney layouts on the way!!

So, until next time....remember, "It's a Small World After All", and have yourself a RIPArts kind of day!!